Create an account and contacts with Smart AdressBook

Daniel Padrosa
Oct 19, 2020


Dear reader,

In this article, i will introduce you a suite of software create by GenuiSoft consulting available on Google Play and Microsoft Store : Smart AdressBook.

This software allow to create your contacts with a Map interface.

How to create an account

You have 2 options for create an account, with Google authentication or by a valid email / password.

you can create an account by Google authentication with a GMail adress like this :

The Google authentication popup will appear for create an active account.

Other option with an email/password by this screen :

Creation of contacts with Android and Windows 10 applications

After the autentication, you are connected and you recieve an email of confirmation. In this step, you can create your contacts in the map like this.

You need to select in the right menu, the type of contacts like doctor, mechanics, friends or colleagues.

After you have selected your type of contact for the creation, you need to click to the right button on the top of the screen like this :

Your new contact is created with success like this :

In the Microsoft Store, you have the same software for desktop Windows 10.

You can connect with your active account and retreive all your contacts like this screen.



Daniel Padrosa
Daniel Padrosa

Written by Daniel Padrosa


Software Engineer Microsoft Senior

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